Friday, May 27, 2011


Let it rain for my tears won’t show,
Leave me alone so that my pain doesn’t show,
Let the time stop for I don’t want to grow,
For this life is harsh with no mercy to show.

It’s sleepless nights which all I get,
Despite working until I sweat,
There are certain things I’d like to forget,
Before I take the next step.

Strange things happen abruptly,
Things can’t be managed parallely,
I look into the mirror curiously,
If my image can also be me actually.

Now I put back myself piece by piece,
Slowly stepping out of my crease,
I learn to flow with the breeze,
And gain back my inner peace.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Way Traffic

My true love was considered fake,
Despite putting my life at stake,
I wish this was just a dream,
But it happened when I was wide awake.

I didn't pray for the fear of cursing you,
I didn't play for the fear of losing you,
I paid the price for doing nothing,
Just to realise it didn't bother you.

I saw my world through your eyes,
Spoke to people in your voice,
I alienated the world just for you,
Just to realize I'm not your choice.

Accepting the fact slowly,
From alone I turned lonely,
I stopped for you to carry on,
As my love was one way only!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The silence within is like the roaring sea,
The saint within is on a killing spree.
Calmness is just in the exterior,
Though nothing is at ease

Uncertainty became certain,
With unanswered question.
No one caring to reply,
I succumbed under this situation.

Screams fell to deaf ears,
And days added on to years,
Your action was my worst fear,
And it hit like daggers and spears.

When patience got tested to the core,
All my wounds became sore.
Promises you made were called pure,
Though for keeping them you were'nt even sure.

Despite the wounds, despite the pain,
I need you, I want you,
Just come back to me dear,
I forgive you and I LOVE YOU

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Missing Beauty

I’ve started to notice the starry nights,
With one of them shining very bright.
I now notice the ripples in seemingly still water,
Observing the formation of concentric circles

The chirping birds now sound so nice,
While the squirrels running here and there
The fragrance of the soaked mud is mesmerizing,
While the cool breeze feels so soothing

The carpet of grass feels so soft,
With the bees humming on the nearby flower
A droplet shines like pearl under the shining sun,
Scattering the light in seven shades as it falls

I missed all the natural beauties before,
I missed all the natural charm
Coz for me you were the entire world,
While you were there in my arms.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Silence Speaks

When words are just not your cup of tea,
And expressing yourself is what you need.
You needn’t talk what others speak,
As they can’t watch what you see

All things needn’t be told,
After all speech is silver; silence is gold
Things remain pretty much the same,
Even if they get new to old.

Feelings come directly from heart,
Eyes help them to carry it from start.
Journey completes only when it’s understood,
And lasts till the last beat.

Initial hiccups should never dismay,
Love in the world is always to stay.
Like eyes can meet and arms can greet,
Barriers will break and Silence will Speak.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


If Only I knew the sky,
I would seek its help to fly.
If Only I had the courage,
I would have taken you to cloud 9.
If Only I didn’t have these shackles,
I would have been far away from here.
If Only I had prayed,
I would have got what I would ask.
If Only I had the sight,
I wouldn’t have lost touch.
If Only I had the brains,
I would see the tear in your eye.
If Only I knew the way,
I would have made you smile.
If Only I hadn’t banked on ‘If Only’,
Today I wouldn’t have been lonely.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm still waiting...

My wait for you still continues from Dawn till Dusk,
With every stone now turning into dust,
I’m still walking alone in my journey,
Looking for the one I can trust

The path looked green for a moment,
But the thorns mistaken as grass,
From distance I thought it to be gold,
While it actually turned out to brass.

Every rose has a thorn,
And I don’t get a single petal,
Hope still clings on to a dim light,
And will remain until dark.

The walk therefore continues,
I leave my life amused,
That despite stones and thorns,
I’m still waiting, waiting and waiting…